I’m an extrovert so I enjoy meeting new people. Events are a fantastic way for people to meet someone new, learn something useful, meet someone helpful and be inspired.
When I was running the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, I oversaw and programmed 100 events a year, including keynote speakers, workshops, panel discussions, delegations to the World Expo, weekly networking drinks and events to mark significant Australian days including ANZAC Day. It was a busy time but I enjoyed it!
I have successfully programmed and hosted:
Keynote dinners
Panel discussions
Joint events with Austrade
Joint events with other Chambers of Commerce
I have also chaired and hosted major events, including:
The Great Australian Ball in Shanghai
Eat Drink Blog, the national food blogging conference in Australia.
I have also been asked to MC events, including:
The launch of Lot Fourteen in Adelaide
The launch of the Chinese Business Network South Australia